Anne Donadey
Office: SH 224B | Email: [email protected]
Anne Donadey is Professor of French and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She is the author of two single-authored books, The Algerian War in Film Fifty Years Later, 2004-2012 (2020) and a book on Assia Djebar and Leïla Sebbar (two women writers from Algeria), Recasting Postcolonialism: Women Writing between Worlds (2001). She has edited or co-edited four volumes: Représentations de la guerre d’indépendance algérienne (2019); Approaches to Teaching the Works of Assia Djebar (2017); Women in Culture: An Intersectional Anthology for Gender and Women’s Studies (2017, 2nd edition); and Postcolonial Theory and Francophone Literary Studies (2005). She has also edited or co-edited two special issues of journals, L’Esprit créateur on the works of Assia Djebar (2008) and Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature on empire and occupation in France and the Francophone world (1999). She has also published articles on representations of the Algerian war in literature and film, on anti-racist perspectives in Women’s Studies and French cultural studies, and on the works of Rachid Bouchareb, Moufida Tlatli, Fatima Mernissi, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Maryse Condé, Daniel Maximin, Azar Nafisi, Octavia E. Butler, and Gloria Anzaldúa. Her articles have appeared in journals such as PMLA, Signs, Research in African Literatures, College Literature, and Studies in French Cinema.