top left: Colosseum, Italy; top right: Neuschwanstein castle, bottom left: ceiling of the Church of All Saints, Russia; bottom right: Paris at night



Clarissa ClòClarissa Clò, Ph.D.
Department Chair
Office: SH 226C
Phone: (619) 594-1131
Email: [email protected]

Veronica R. GonzalezVeronica R. Gonzalez, M.A.
Administrative Coordinator
Office: SH-224E
Phone: (619) 594-6491
Email: [email protected]

Emily Schuckman-Matthews, Ph.D.
Program Director
Office: SH 228B
Email: e[email protected]

Anne Donadey, Ph.D.
Program Director & Adviser
Office: SH 224B
Email: [email protected]

Kristin Rebien, Ph.D.
Director & Adviser
Office: SH 220B
Phone: (619) 594-5128
Email: [email protected]

Clarissa Clò, Ph.D.
Program Director
Office: SH 226C
Phone: (619) 594-1131
Email: [email protected]
Daria Shembel, Ph.D.
Program Director & Adviser
Office: SH 228C
Email: [email protected]

Zamira AbmanZamira Abman, Ph.D. - On research leave until spring 2026
Assistant Professor, European Studies
Office: SH 222B
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: State feminism in Soviet Central Asia, Eurasia, the Soviet Union, Russia


Sonia BrighentiSonia Brighenti, Ph.D.
Lecturer, Italian
Office: SH 226D
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: Italian language instruction


Clarissa ClòClarissa Clò, Ph.D.
Professor, Italian and European Studies
Department Chair and Italian Program Director
Office: SH 226C
Phone: (619) 594-1131
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: Italian Cultural Studies, migration, diaspora and postcolonial studies, Atlantic and Mediterranean studies, feminist and queer theories, film, music and popular culture, cultures of globalization


Kathi DiamantKathi Diamant
Adjunct Faculty
Director of the SDSU Kafka Project
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise:  Franz Kafka


Anne DonadeyAnne Donadey, Ph.D.
Professor, French and  Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
French Program Director & Graduate Adviser
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: Contemporary Francophone North African women writers, comparative postcolonial and ethnic literature, feminist theory, colonialism, race and gender in literature and film


Christine GuzmanChristine Guzman, M.A.
Lecturer, German
Office: SH 220A
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: German language instruction


Amy Harker-RosskopfAmy Harker-Rosskopf, M.A.
Lecturer, French
Office: SH 228D
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: French language instruction


Jorge Hernandez-CalderonJorge Hernandez-Calderon, M.A.
Lecturer, French and Italian
Office: SH 230
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: French and Italian language instruction


Felicitas JaimaFelicitas Jaima, Ph.D.
Lecturer, German
Office: SH 220A
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: German language instruction


Silvia KadingSilvia Kading, M.A.
Lecturer, Italian
Office: SH 226D
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: Italian language instruction


Holly RansomHolly Ransom, C.Phil.
Lecturer, French and European Studies
Office: SH 220C
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: French language instruction, theater, translation, cinema, foreign language pedagogy and phonetics, French medieval & renaissance literature


Kristin RebienKristin Rebien, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, German and European Studies
German Studies Program Director

Office: SH 220B
Phone: (619) 594-5128
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: German cultural studies, modern and contemporary German literature, aesthetics and politics, literature and globalization, European Studies


Rosamaria RuggeriRosamaria Ruggeri, A.B.D.
Lecturer, Italian
Office: SH 226D
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: Italian language instruction


Kylie SagoKylie Sago, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, French
Office: SH 224C
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: Literatures, cultures, and histories of the French-speaking world prior to the nineteenth century


Emily Schuckman-MatthewsEmily Schuckman-Matthews, Ph.D.
Professor, European Studies
European Studies Program Director
Office: SH 228B
Email: e[email protected]

Areas of Expertise: Gender and Sexuality in Russia and Eastern Europe, 20th and 21st century Russian literature, culture and film, and human trafficking in Europe


Mathias SchulzeMathias Schulze, Ph.D.
Professor, German and European Studies
Director of the Language Acquisition Resource Center
Office: SH 211C
Phone: (619) 594-0958
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: language education and social bilingualism


Daria ShembelDaria Shembel, Ph.D.
Lecturer, Russian and European Studies
Russian Program Director
Office: SH 228C
Email: [email protected]

Areas of Expertise: Russian language instruction, Soviet and European film and media studies





Edith Benkov, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, French and European Studies
Email: [email protected]

Joanne Cornwell, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, French, Francophone and European Studies
Email: [email protected]

Mary Ann Lyman-Hager, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, French and European Studies
Email: [email protected]

Steven Sacco, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, French, Italian, and European Studies
James (Pete) Schorr, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, French and European Studies
Email: [email protected]

Veronica Shapovalov, Ph.D.

Professor Emerita, Russian and European Studies
Email: [email protected]

Gianangelo Vergani, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Italian
Mary Wauchope, Ph.D. 
Professor Emerita, German and European Studies