Proficiency Exams & Equivalency
Language Proficiency Test
The SDSU Language Proficiency Test may be taken to waive 200- level language courses that are prerequisites for more advanced classes. To register for an exam, email the following information to [email protected]: Your name, email, phone number, Red ID number and/or SDSU ID.
Other Exams
San Diego State University grants credit for passing scores on The College Board Advanced Placement examination in Italian. Please see the University Policies section of the SDSU SDSU Catalog for more information.
High School Equivalents
High school foreign language courses may be used for purposes of placement in college courses and may be counted toward meeting the language requirement in various majors. These high school courses will not count as college credit toward graduation. Secondary school language courses can be used as follows:
- The first two years of high school level language count as the equivalent of the first
semester of a college level course, although students with fewer than three years
of high school level language may complete the first semester college course for graduation
- The first three years of high school level language count as the equivalent of the
first two college semesters, although students with fewer than four years of high
school level language may complete the second semester college course for graduation
credit. Students who have completed three years of foreign language in high school
will not receive credit for the first semester college course unless at least five
years separate the last high school course and the first college course.
- Four years of high school level language count as the equivalent of three college semesters or five college quarters, thus fulfilling the language requirement.